6:45-7:45 Gym-Setters with Coach Lee in Gym 7/8 Court 1
6:45-7:45 Classroom/Gym-Nutrition with Coach Cindy (this course will move to another date)
6:45-7:45 Gym- Serving Tough and Smart with Coach Fenton in Gym 7/8 Court 2
8:00-9:00 Gym- Setters with Middles with Coach Lee Gym 7/8
8:00-9:00 Classroom/Gym- Mental Game with Coach Fenton in Lobby area
9:00-10:00 Open Gym-Free Play Gym 7/8
All Clinics will be at Watchung Hills High School.
Exact gym/classroom locations to be determined.
This clinic is in place of practices that evening.